



As an Author, Judith believes that stories have the power to change lives, and so has taken to writing her story, an honest account of challenges faced and overcome to inspire and empower:

  • Children and Young People in Care

  • Care Leavers

  • Foster Carers

  • Social Workers

  • The Children’s Social Care Sector and

  • Teachers and School Staff who teach and support Children and Young People in Care

Judith also writes for anyone that does not have a Care Experience, for you to glean and understand:

  • How to face and overcome those Challenges and become the person you are destined to become

  • How to step out of your comfort zone and become a ‘Purpose Driven’ Social Entrepreneur

Foster Care and Me

In this real-life narrative, Judith openly details the challenges faced and overcome, at every stage of her journey through the Foster Care System. She shares her experience of exclusions from School and College, a run in with the Law and then as a Care Leaver, a period of poor Mental Health.

But thankfully her story doesn’t end there….

Through the pages of her book you’ll read how, with the right support, she has been able to defy the stereotypical odds sometimes placed on those in Foster Care, to becoming an influential Social Entrepreneur.

You’ll also find ‘Messages’ she has penned to inspire hope to Children In Care and Care Leavers, along with ‘Messages’ to Foster Carers, Social Workers, School Staff and our Government, a call to action, to make the urgent changes she believes is needed to help improve the outcomes and life chances of our Looked After Community.

Who is this Book for?

We recommend this Book to those who work in Chlldren’s Social Care and can be brought to life through Judith’s Training Course. This Book can also be purchased for and to inspire hope in Children and Young People with Care Experience.

Foster Care and Me is NOW AVAILABLE to purchase here at Stores @ Books By Judith, Amazon Books,Waterstones, Foyles, Barnes and Nobles (Paperback) and Amazon KindleKoboNook and Apple Books (Ebook).

Follow the Foster Care and Me journey on Twitter @FosterCareandMe

The foster carers super powers

In her Handbook, ‘The Foster Carers Super Powers’ Judith openly describes how her Foster Carers used, what she identifies as, their ‘Super Powers’ to help make a positive difference in her life. Through this real-life narrative, Foster Carers will be encouraged to see that they can make a lasting difference in the life of the one they have chosen to Care for, as they too possess these Super Powers:

  •       Unconditional Love

  •       Accept & Understand

  •       Nurture & Patience

  •       Stickability

Who is this Handbook for?

We recommend this Handbook to Foster Carers.

The Handbook is available to purchase here and can be brought to life through Judith’s Training Course.

“HEAR MY voice! can i please have a say?!”

In this Handbook Social Workers, Foster Carers and School Staff, who constantly feel challenged by the Child or Young Person in Care that they Support, Foster or Teach will find practical steps on how to:

  • not focus on the Behaviour of the Child or Young Person in Care

  • learn how to truly hear and understand their ‘Voice’

  • identify the message that is being communicated through their Behaviour

in order to positively respond and make a lasting difference in their lives.

Who is this Handbook for?

We recommend this Handbook to those who work in Chlldren’s Social Care.

The Handbook is available to purchase here and can be brought to life through Judith’s Training Course, Foster Care and Me.


In this Handbook Judith guides Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs through the process of how to step out of their comfort zone and into their purpose of becoming a Social Entrepreneur, who is able to Lead and Build a Community, making a Social Impact with a business built for a Purpose.

Who is this Handbook for?

We recommend this Handbook to Aspiring Social Entrepreneurs and Current Social Entrepreneurs.

The Handbook is available to purchase here.


This Handbook will provide you with in depth insight from Experts, on how to care for the Hair and Skin of Black Children and Young People in Children's Social Care.

Who is this Handbook for?

If you work in Children’s Social Care and are also Care Givers of Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care, this Handbook is for you.

The Handbook is available to purchase here and can be brought to life through Judith’s Training Course, Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care.


This Handbook will provide you with the basic understanding of the 54 African Countries and the 34 Caribbean Countries from where the Black Children and Young People in your Care, may originate.

Who is this Handbook for?

If you work in Children’s Social Care and are also Care Givers of Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care, this Handbook is for you.

The Handbook is available to purchase here and can be brought to life through Judith’s Training Course, Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care.


This Book designed is to help Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care begin to have an understanding of their Identity, that relates to their Ethnicity, Culture and Heritage.

This book will teach them how to connect to their ethnic origin (the country or the countries their families originate from) to see that they have a culture, identity and heritage they can feel proud to be a part of.

This book is a resource in The Black Care Experience My Culture Care Box™


This Book designed is to help Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care understand how to start loving and caring for their Natural Curly Kinky Wavy Textured Hair.

This book will help them understand who is best placed to help them understand their hair texture and give them guidance on the right products needed for their hair texture. This book will also give them insight into what questions to ask their hairstylist or barber, along with guidance on how to keep their hair and scalp healthy.

This book is a resource in The Black Care Experience My Culture Care Box™


I AM 365 and motivational bookmark is designed to help Children and Young People with Care Experience overcome negative and unhealthy thoughts and change the way they think about ourselves, their lives and their future, and guide them to make positive changes in their lives.

Growing up in the Care System Children and Young People often believe and carry negative and unhealthy thoughts about themselves, because of what someone said about them or because of how they have been treated. The truth is none of the negative and unhealthy thoughts are true, but they repeat them as if they are and tend to live their lives by them.

To change that, here are 365 Affirmations, one for each day of the year, to help Children and Young People with Care Experience overcome those negative and self-sabotaging thoughts. The Affirmations are positive statements, that if regularly repeated out loud, can help them start to change the way they think about themselves, their lives and their future, and guide them to make positive changes in their lives.

These are resources in The Black Care Experience My Culture Care Box™

Please Note: A version of IAM 365 Affirmations + Motivational Book Mark for all Children and Young People in Care who are age 8 - 25 is available to purchase here.