Speaker & Trainer

Speaker & TRainer
Speaking as part of a Panel or as a Keynote Speaker, Judith is able to speak from her lived experience, sharing the lessons learnt from her journey of overcoming various challenges and adversities, to inspire, influence and empower the audience with clear insight on how to strategically take the steps needed to make their goals a reality.
Her Keynote Topics include:
The Purpose Built Business
Based on her Handbook ‘The Purpose Built Business’, Judith shares her experience and expertise in this thought provoking inspired talk to give you insight into becoming and being a Social Entrepreneur, who is able to Lead and Build a Community, making a Social Impact with a business built for a Purpose.
Foster Care and Me
Judith provides an open and honest account of her journey from being in Foster Care from the age of 9 to being the Founder and CEO of The Transformed You, an organisation established to help improve the outcome and life chances of Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers who have behaviour, social and emotional difficulties. Able to identify with these young people, Judith shares how she was supported and guided by her Mentors to overcome various challenges, rid herself of society’s labels to see her become the positive Role Model she is today, conveying the message that ‘Change Is Possible’. Check out Judith's short filmed personalized 6 Part documentary entitled From Foster Care to Role Model to hear her story, along with her self published autobiography Foster Care and Me.
Also delivered as a Training Course Judith unpacks each Chapter to equip Social Workers, Student Social Workers, Foster Carers and Residential Children’s Home Staff with insight, knowledge and practical skills on how to:
Hear and understand the ‘Voice’ of the Child or Young Person in their Care
Build trust with the Child or Young Person in their Care
Plant seeds of wisdom and guidance into the life of the Child or Young Person in their Care
Prepare the Child or Young Person for the next Chapter of their life as a Care Leaver
The Foster Carers Super Powers
Based on her Handbook, ‘The Foster Carers Super Powers’ Judith brings to life how her Foster Carers used, what she identifies as, their ‘Super Powers’ to help make a positive difference in her life. Through this transparent narrative, Foster Carers will be encouraged to see that they can make a lasting difference in the life of the one they have chosen to Care for, as they too possess these Super Powers:
Unconditional Love
Accept & Understand
Nurture & Patience
The Foster Carers Super Powers can also be delivered as a Training Course.
The Black Care Experience
From the findings of The Black Care Experience Report, Judith is able to enlighten her audience, from Children’s Social Care Sector and the Voluntary Sector within Children’s Social Care, on the challenges faced by Black Children and Young People in Care, and provide practical guidance on how to be culturally competent in order to make sure that every black child and young person remains connected to their culture, identity and heritage as they journey through the Care System.
Delivered as a Training Course, participants will gain an understanding understanding of how to raise Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care.
“It is always interesting to hear from a Foster child what they have experienced and managed to achieve. Very very interesting, definitely will be signing up for more. I wish I hadn't missed the first one Judith did”.
Paula Gilberthorpe - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Was brilliant. Really made me revisit the way you break down all the clues to get to the root issue. Absolutely loved this course and trainer is amazing. Such a wealth of knowledge and lived experience. Also I have shared The black care experience website with our young person and have talked about Judith and the work she does, she is such an inspiration and an amazing role model. a black woman who has defied all the odds and is giving back in such a positive way, after her own journey through the care system”.
Sharon Henderson - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Above and beyond another wonderful insight from Judith. Thank you. A privilege to meet Judith receive training from her experience’s in Foster Care and beyond into adulthood”.
Jonathan & Elaine Roberts - Team Fostering Foster Carers
“Inspiring trainer with first hand experiences of being in the care system as a child”.
Stephen & Fay Cowan - Team Fostering Foster Carers
“Great session with a great trainer. Good to hear lived experiences and thoughts about systems from the views of young people. All carers would benefit from the session. It helps us focus on the things that really matter. Social workers in Team should attend these sessions too”.
Maria - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“It covered how to enable us to listen more effectively to our young people. Well presented, knowledgeable, good discussion parts and great to connect with other carers”.
Craig Lloyd - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Judith is an amazing provider! She understands how it feels to be a person in care and what we can do as foster carers to help our young people. I feel that Judith’s courses should be a mandatory requirement for carers. Thank you Judith, another very inspiring course”.
Elaine and Jonathan Roberts - Team Fostering Foster Carers
“The trainer was very knowledgeable and made me think about how I relate to my young people. It makes you think and that is always good. To hear from someone's personal experience makes it all the more relevant”.
Catherine Keyworth - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Gave a great insight into what children need and want - the experience she had of her own gave the training a much more personal and 'understanding' approach as to what children need. As a placement officer, I feel this training would be really beneficial to all foster carers and would encourage them to attend”.
Sally - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“It was excellent and Judith came out with many useful facts and tips. It was one of the best courses I have been on. Excellently instructed by Judith who was knowledgeable and very welcoming and had time for everyone”.
Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Fantastic course. Thank you. It was so refreshing to hear from a foster child now adult, thriving”.
Nicola Bell - Foster Carer
“Fantastic day training. Real life experiences showing how far things have come but how much still needs to change. I feel inspired to be that change!”.
Mellie Nevill - Foster Carer and Adopter
“The training was amazing. Judith‘s delivery and insight is inspiring and I think every Carer/Social Worker would benefit”.
Pop Up Training Event held at The Transformed You Hub
“...and to be aware of our own thoughts and perceptions and how this impacts on what they see and feel about themselves”. (4/4)
Janet Forbes - Orange Grove Foster Care
“...It encourages us to think about what we can do to support children to improve their experiences and outcomes, how to help them to positively embrace their culture, heritage and identity...(3/4)
Janet Forbes - Orange Grove Foster Care
“...The course is interactive and inclusive, enabling participation. It brings deeper understanding of the real life challenges faced by black children in care and their feelings about themselves...(2/4)
Janet Forbes - Orange Grove Foster Care
“A very valuable course for anyone working within Children's Social Care. Judith provides a thought provoking and reflective training session, sharing a personal journey as a black person who was in foster care....(1/4)
Janet Forbes - Orange Grove Foster Care
“Great training. I believe the discussions and a safe space for people to ask questions was really beneficial”.
Orange Grove Foster Care
“This course is a must attend. It was extremely insightful, thought provoking and left a lot of food for thought and motivation to be a part of the change”.
Orange Grove Foster Care
“This course is a must attend. It was extremely insightful, thought provoking and left a lot of food for thought and motivation to be a part of the change”.
Orange Grove Foster Care
“As a Safeguarding Professional Judith really opened my eyes. She presented some really inciteful and though provoking scenarios that opened some really difficult conversations. Highly recommend her training”.
Orange Grove Foster Care
“Good examples that enlightened non Black participants around realities of life for Black children in the care system”.
Carlene Jones - Orange Grove Foster Care
“Not sure what to expect before hand but it was amazing! So refreshing to have someone who has actually lived and thrived in the care system. Judith was amazing! Everyone should have access to this training. To hear the positives of fostering was so refreshing. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! This course should be mandatory.”
Elaine Roberts - Team Fostering Foster Carer
“Wasn’t sure what to expect, but it confirms that foster carers do a great job. It was a good learning experience in relation to the journey and experiences of the trainer. Great to hear from a care leavers who could translate her experience into a training course to support.”
Team Fostering Foster Carer
“One of the most powerful courses I’ve been on , made all the more interesting by the trainer Judith. Excellent training and very interesting. Judith having the lived experience and turning this into the most positive training is excellent.”
Team Fostering Foster Carer
Would you recommend The Foster Carers Super Powers Training Course to other Foster Carers?
“It was really lovely to see and hear from a past child in care. Judith's story was amazing and inspiring. I would strongly recommend the course to all carers to get the positive reaffirmation that it is worth it. and we can make a difference.”
Would you recommend The Foster Carers Super Powers Training Course to other Foster Carers?
“Yes, It was delivered in a way that made you think about what you do everyday in fostering and identifying the 4 superpowers. Judith thank you for sharing your story with us and the examples you told made it real..”
Understanding the Challenges of Black Children in Children’s Social Care System
“This training course was so inspirational. It covers the challenges but has a focus on change. People like Judith are out there in the world making a difference and helping workers like myself progress our thinking and learning. Thank you for helping me help young people in my care”.
Understanding the Challenges of Black Children in Children’s Social Care System
“It gave me insight into experiences that are not my own”
“This was a really insightful training session. I liked how direct it was and it was great to converse with other DTs to share our understanding and practice”
“This was interesting and beneficial training, I would recommend this informative and powerful training”
“Thanks so much for attending our event and for giving such an inspiring speech that was so ‘on point’ with all of us and our foster carers who totally understood everything you said. It was a pleasure to spend time with you and we will most certainly keep in touch!”
““Use your VOICE to INSPIRE, Use your PLATFORM for GOOD, Use your POWER to affect CHANGE”.”