Business, But Not as Usual

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COVID19 has changed our World. Our Economy, our Classrooms, our Homes, our Health Care, our Churches, our Relationships, our Government, and so many things we have been used to, will never be the same again.

The way we do Business has also been impacted, as those that can, have had to adapt and adjust to providing a service from home or if they’re able to enter their workplace, do their best to work within the Social Distancing guidelines, along with Government Schemes being designed, created and rolled out to support the Employed and Self Employed who meet their criteria.

If you see yourself as an Entrepreneur (a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in hope of a profit – Google Dictionary), but are unsure as to what area of Business you’d like to step into, this is a chance for you to take the time to ‘be still’ (sit quietly with a notepad and pen or whatever note taking device you use) and map out what you believe is the Business area that is right for you. For those aspiring Entrepreneurs who already have an idea and vision you’re planning to turn into a Business, this is time for you to also ‘be still’ and review as to whether this is still the right direction for you.

During the Lockdown, I have been working from home, attending ZOOM Meetings, Skype Meetings, FaceTime Meetings along with the usual phone call Meetings. On no day in particular, I had a telephone conversation with another Professional (a new contact for me) ahead of a ZOOM Meeting we were both scheduled to attend. Prior to talking through the agenda for the Meeting, I was able to introduce myself and talk about the services provided through my company ‘The Transformed You’. I sensed she was intrigued as she proceeded to ask me why and how I had set up my own business. In brief I shared that I can relate to the problems faced by Children and Young People in Care and Care Leavers who identified as having behaviour, emotional and social difficulties along with believing that through the template of my journey I can provide a solution to help improve their outcomes and life chances and that I felt purpose driven to achieve this objective. No sooner had I shared this with my new contact, she then began to openly share how she no longer felt the desire to be employed in her current role, feeling compelled to set up her own business in another area where she believed she would have more impact because she saw the ‘need’ and believes she can relate to the service – users.

I share this with you, to highlight that during this time, you will sense a shift in the direction toward which area of business you are to enter, with a clear understanding as to why, but you have to take the time to ‘be still’ in order to hear and connect with your ‘gut feeling’ and move in that direction. May I also highlight that as you step out and into developing, growing and becoming an Entrepreneur, you will not be doing Business as usual, but rather with a PURPOSE DRIVEN focus.

What do I mean by this?

Purpose is defined by Google Dictionary as ‘the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists’.

Focusing on ‘the reason for which something is created’, I want us to consider in an interview conducted by the Daily Trust, in 2017 where Life Coach Mr Sola Olagbemi stated “When you consider our Society at large, it is obvious that many are living without any sense of purpose except to eat and drink. [Research] conducted by a group called ‘Wealth Research Group’ shows that 98 percent of people die without fulfilling their destiny…It means only 2 percent of the World’s population actually live to fully become what they were created to be. Now the question is, which of the two categories do you belong to: the 98 percent majority or the 2 percent minority?”.

The Late Myles Munroe who was a World Class Motivational Speaker, Author and Preacher stated “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose”.

With that in mind, I consider that some people do Business as an Entrepreneur because they saw someone else do so and thought they could too. I consider that some people do Business as an Entrepreneur because they desire to make a name for themselves and desire to make it rain with money. I also consider that some people do Business as an Entrepreneur in a certain area because it is a family business and they feel pressured to follow in this direction. I go on to consider that some people do Business as an Entrepreneur because they have been told they have the skills and the talent for a particular area but deep down inside they don’t have the passion needed to succeed in that area. May I also consider that some people do Business as an Entrepreneur after feeling pressured by their peers to invest in an idea, that deep down inside they do not connect with, but are unable to find the courage to admit it and step away.

This cannot be you, YOU must do Business as an Entrepreneur with a PURPOSE DRIVEN focus, understanding and believing that you are UNIQUELY CREATED to deliver a UNIQUE Service or Product in a certain business area to meet a specific need. This is indeed Business but NOT as usual.

If you are an aspiring Entrepreneur and want to gain further insight and guidance into how to step out of your comfort zone and do Business as an Entrepreneur with a PURPOSE DRIVEN focus, feel free to SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list to receive my Monthly Inspiring Guides here. If you’ve already subscribed, THANK YOU and please SHARE them with others who you believe will benefit.

If you have any questions please email me at

Until next time, Stay Safe, Stay Well and REMEMBER "You have Great Potential, a God Given Purpose and YOU WILL Passionately achieve it!!"

About Me:

My name is Judith AM Denton and I am the CEO and Founder of a Social Enterprise, a powerful Speaker and an authentic Author.

Also an Influencer, I am a member of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenhams’ Fostering Panel, providing independent oversight of the Recruitment, Assessment and Review of Foster Carers and making recommendations on their suitability to Foster, along with being an Ambassador within The National Youth Ambassadors Advisory Group for the National Independent Reviewing Officer Managers Partnership, raising awareness and challenging stigma in order to make life in Care better for everyone.

From my experience of becoming an Entrepreneur, I believe that there are people who have the desire to become an Entrepreneur, but are unsure as to ‘why’ or ‘how’.

To help them on this road of self-discovery, I openly share detailed information, with valuable lessons learnt from my journey, on how to step out of your comfort zone and become a ‘purpose driven’ Entrepreneur, realizing your potential and passionately achieving your goals and this I do through my Monthly Blogs and Inspiring Guides which you can SUBSCRIBE to receive here.

If you’d like to To BOOK me to Speak at your Event please contact me here.

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