Blossom Where You Are Planted


2020 has been a year filled with unexpected __________________ (fill in the blank)

2021 has arrived and whatever it brings, I encourage you to make the most of the Year and ‘Blossom where you are Planted’.

As I write, I’m reminded of my trip to Egypt YEARS ago. Whilst on a tourist excursion, I remember the Tour Guide taking us through a Desert where I couldn’t help but notice a Plant ISOLATED and SEPARATED from any other vegetation, yet HEALTHILY growing in the midst of the HOT DRY Desert. Intrigued, I asked the Tour Guide how was that possible?


The Answer: Water that is found underground between the soil particles in the Desert is called Groundwater.

This watered the Plant causing it to BLOSSOM.

As we navigate our way into and through 2021, make a note that whatever situation you find yourself in “YOU WILL BLOSSOM where you are PLANTED (located)”.

Being watered.jpg

Here’s the WATER that will help you do so (and in no particular order):

ACKNOWLEDGE and be HONEST about what you are going through

DON’T bury your head in the sand 

LEARN from the circumstances you face

SURROUND yourself with people who TRULY want the best for you

SURROUND yourself with people who see the BEST in you


BELIEVE in yourself and strategically go after your dreams

KNOW that it’s ok to NOT be ok, just don’t stay there

UNDERSTAND that LIFE happens

Take the time to BE STILL

Be brave enough to say NO


PROTECT your Peace 


Don’t stop LOVING and know that you are LOVED

Stay PRAYERFUL (we ALL need God)

Look after YOU and be YOU

DON’T give up

SEE the OPPORTUNITY and go after it



PACE yourself, there’s no need to RUSH and don’t be RUSHED

KNOW that everyday is a NEW DAY with a FRESH START

Make a DIFFERENCE to someone else’s life (remember you’re NOT Oprah)

As you do these things (and anything else you may want to add), you’ll BLOSSOM in 2021, just like the ISOLATED and SEPARATED Plant I saw, HEALTHILY growing in the midst of the HOT (seemingly) DRY Desert.



About Me:

My name is Judith AM Denton and I am the CEO and Founder of a Social Enterprise called The Transformed You, a powerful Speaker and an authentic Author.

Also an Influencer, I am a member of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenhams’ Fostering Panel, providing independent oversight of the Recruitment, Assessment and Review of Foster Carers and making recommendations on their suitability to Foster, along with being an Ambassador within The National Youth Ambassadors Advisory Group for the National Independent Reviewing Officer Managers Partnership, raising awareness and challenging stigma in order to make life in Care better for everyone.

 I’m also a member of the Young Women’s Justice Project Strategic Advisory Group brought together by Agenda, the alliance for women and girls at risk in partnership with Standing Committee for Youth Justice, to improve policy and practice for young adult women (aged 17 – 25) who come into contact with the Criminal Justice System.

I’m the Chairperson of The Black Care Experience set up to collate and present the views of the past and present Black and In Care Community, to the Chair of England’s forthcoming Care Review, to help shape a better Care Experience for the next Black and In Care Generation.

From my experience of becoming an Entrepreneur, I believe that there are people who have the desire to become an Entrepreneur, but are unsure as to ‘why’ or ‘how’.

To help them on this road of self-discovery, I openly share valuable lessons learnt from my journey, to guide Aspiring Entrepreneurs on how to step out of your comfort zone and become a ‘Purpose Driven’ Entrepreneur, realizing your Potential and Passionately achieving your goals; I’m also able to share my experience with Established Entrepreneurs on how to continue to develop your Potential to remain relevant and carry on Passionately achieving your ‘Purpose Driven’ Business goals.

If you’d like to To BOOK me to Speak at your Event please contact me here.

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