Building GOOD Relationships!


Focusing on the work environment, how would you rate or consider your relationship with your Staff, Colleagues, Managers, Business Clients?

Not looking at how successful the projects are that you work together on, or whether you get constant referrals that lead to sales and profit of whatever size or the fact that as a team you may be able to get the daily tasks completed.... but rather your RELATIONSHIP.

Points to consider, though not exhaustive; Is there good rapport? Open and honest lines of communication? Transparency? A genuiness in getting to know your colleague to understand the way in which they work? A type of mutual respect for each other?

That being considered, let's move on to look at how are the problems that stem from this work environment, solved amongst you?

Are they swept under the carpet so that when you arrive at work each day, you politely greet each other with stereo typical pleasantries, then head to your desk, work station or office to hide behind your workload? Or do you attend that meeting, with the intention of doing your best to remain focused on the agenda, even though you sense the awkwardness during your discussions?


For some, the easiest thing to do, would be to ignore the problem, hope that it goes away but still indirectly share their frustrations with a colleague they believe they can 'trust', to then hear it travelling around the office as 'breaking news'.

For others, it would be easy to send an email stating they no longer see you as their business client as they are considering other options at this stage.

For some, there is a restless need to face and deal with the problem, but there's an underlying fear of 'backlash' and possibly being misunderstood.

For others, there's also a restless need to face and deal with the problem, but being overwhelmed with frustration, they display certain actions that seem to add to the problem.


So what do you do?

Now before I share my advice as to what to do, I'll be open and honest to share that I too was unsure of how to deal with the problems I began to face as an Employee. I was tempted to 'keep my mouth shut', carry on as 'normal' or simply 'resign', but on reflection that would have left me with a pattern and cycle of running from job to job whenever a similar problem appeared. So instead I sought advice as to the way forward and these steps I share with you.

  • The first thing to note is, DO NOT be intimidated by a person's 'Position' or 'Job Title', your 'Voice' is equally important. Whilst others may not believe your voice being heard is important, this is what YOU MUST BELIEVE and hold on to.
  • DO try to make sense of the problem, based on your perception and talk this through with someone you know is 'trustworthy' and is able to give you their objective opinion and guidance.
  • By phone, contact the person with whom you believe there is a problem and ask to meet up for a coffee chat, to discuss what you sense and ways to work better together. If you work in the same office, courageously approach them and follow this through.

Now, there may be resistance and excuses as to why not to meet up, so stay resolute and be open to consider other ways for the discussion to take place. If you do not work in the same office offer a Skype Call or Telephone Call and do not agree to discussing this via Email!!

  • At the meeting, start by thanking the other person for attending, then briefly outline what you see as the problem stating this is your perception, but that you are unsure as to whether this is correct and would like to gain an understanding as from the other person's point of view.


The hope is that they'll use this time and space to openly process the reasons as to their actions and be able to share this with you.

Acknowledge this but DON'T TAKE IT ON!

You may need to ask questions to get a deeper complete understanding. Be careful of your tone and don't be judgemental.... be mindful that it could be you being called into a similar meeting in the future.

  • Both having gain an understanding, there may be an offer of an apology as well as there may not. Please don't get hung up on this point at this stage.
  • Moving on, agree a way forward, a solution as to how you both will continue working together, ACTION IT and respectfully agree to hold each other accountable.

I learnt this way forward whilst working in the Financial Industry. My Line Manager, with whom the entire team had a good relationship, was leaving and we were introduced to the new Line Manager.

During his first week, he managed to ruffle the feathers of the entire team, with some considering to 'resign'. I too had the same thought but made a phone call to my former Line Manager seeking advice as to what to do.

The advice I share above, came from him. He had not yet left the company and offered to attend the meeting with my new Line Manager for support, but at the same time felt I would be able to follow his guidance.

In the meeting, I naturally followed each step gaining an understanding that my new Line Manager wanted to impress his new employers and saw that he had the wrong approach.

Whilst he didn't apologise, he asked me for help as to the way forward and I respectfully shared my insight.

Did he take it on? Some days he did and some days he didn't, but I soon came to realise on the days he didn't, were the days in which his Line Manager was ruffling his feathers.

Eventually, the time came for him to move on. He came to say goodbye, letting me know that I had learnt how to 'manage' the 'Manager', that he enjoyed working with me and wished me well. After he left, I learnt that I was the only member of the Team he had visited before leaving.

I do look back and think, what would have happened if I had remained SILENT?!


Do I experience similar challenges now as a CEO and Social Entrepreneur? Oh yes I sure do! The lessons I've learnt as an Employee to becoming a Manager  in the Financial Industry and Charity Sector, have helped to shape my way forward and I hope these lessons shared will serve to help you build good RELATIONSHIPS with your Staff, Colleagues, Managers and Business Clients.

Let Me Know How You Get On

Taking these steps will help you to live in the freedom of being YOU and at YOUR Best, in your Life, Career or Business!

And as I always say and know, this won't be plain sailing, but if you stay in your lane and stick to the process, trust me, it will be worth it!

In my blogs, I will do my best to continue to share the ‘how's’ and ‘why's’ of my journey and all I ask is that you let me know how each blog has helped you in the Comments Box below and feel free to SUBSCRIBE to my Mailing List to receive my Inspiring Guides and Updates.

All of God's Best For You and REMEMBER "You have Great Potential, a God Given Purpose and YOU WILL Passionately achieve it!!"

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About Me:

My name is Judith AM Denton CEO | SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR | SPEAKER | SINGER | SONGWRITER who has discovered that my natural skills and abilities have led me to realise my Potential, understand my Purpose 'of helping to make a difference in the lives of those I can relate to' and Passionately achieve it.

Through my experience of being a troubled Foster Child, to working in the Corporate World to now being a founding CEO and Social Entrepreneur, I can help YOU discover and realise your full Potential, understand your Purpose and Passionately achieve it and live in the freedom of being YOU and at YOUR Best, in your Life, Career or Business!

So be sure to SUBSCRIBE to receive my FREE Inspiring Guides and Updates to help you on your journey.

To BOOK me to Speak or Sing at your Event or for any Song writing COMMISSIONING please contact me here.