Stay Focused

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Happy New Year to one and all! We’ve made it into 2019; some have strategized their plans for the year and have already set these plans in motion, some are just making a start with the planning with a view to putting them into motion at the end of January and some have decided to take a more relaxed yet reactive approach to see how the year pans out.

Whatever your view is on how to move forward on 2019, I do believe the general consensus is to have a goal (or a few goals) that you would like to achieve, and a plan, which is your Satnav, on how you are going to achieve it.

That being said, I have been notified that the key to achieving your goals in 2019 and beyond is to STAY FOCUSED! 

Here’s how…

1. It starts with YOU

Who are you? I pose this question, as you will need to know who you are in order to maximise the opportunities that are going to come your way. If you don’t know who you are, you will disqualify yourself from the opportunities that will genuinely open up for you.

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Now knowing who you are is important, but based on whose definition is the next question? As a Christian, I choose to define myself based on what my Heavenly Father says about me; after all He is the One who took the time to create me. Being transparent, it’s taken me a minute to get here, but nevertheless I’m here and strongly believe that who defines you has an impact on how you see yourself and what you believe about your future.

This leads me on and into Number 2.

 2. Who’s in YOUR Core Team

Once you have identified who you are, your character, personality, skills, abilities, gifting, talents, take inventory of who is in your Team.

Your Team is not exclusive to those you work with, but will also include certain Family members, Friends, Mentors, Advisers; these are people that genuinely want to see you do well and want to contribute and be a part of your Mission, in any way shape or form, with NO HIDDEN AGENDA.

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These people are your inner circle and won’t be many in number, but will be of maximum strength to you and help you stay focused.

3. YOUR Health and Happiness is Important

Now as you start to make headway towards achieving your goals, you will naturally begin to feel the stress, defined as ‘pressure and tension’, that comes along with growing into new territories.

Research states that symptoms of stress can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings and your behaviour, so how can you combat this.

Here’s a list although not exclusive to:

  • DISCUSS issues through with your Team, this includes your Core Team and the Team you work with and ASK FOR HELP!

  • Review your progress REGULARLY

  • Identify the wins throughout the process and CELEBRATE them along the way. NOTE: Some Football Teams don’t wait until the end of the Premier League to celebrate, they celebrate every goal and every match won.

  • Work ANOTHER Plan when the original Plan isn’t working. There’s more than one way to achieve your Goal


  • PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT is Key, you don’t know everything! READ that Book, ENROL on that Course.

  • Take BREAKS, whether that be Lunch Breaks, Weekend Breaks, Holidays

  • Exercise

  • Eat HEALTHILY and remember the right Vitamins, Nutrients and Minerals are also essential to your Well Being

  • Laugh, have Fun and Dance!

  • Rest and CLEAR YOUR MIND before making any major decisions; DON’T rush and don’t be rushed!

  • SLEEP! It is said the we need 7 – 9 hours of sleep to function and be at our best

  • From time to time, SWITCH OFF your Phone, Laptop, IPad and the TV!

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4. Avoid Distractions

Distractions are designed to divert your attention and energy from the task at hand and ultimately from the goal to be achieved. Avoid them as best you can!

Not every phone call is to be answered and not every Text Message or Whatsapp Message requires your immediate answer. Try and manage people’s expectation of how and when you’ll be able to respond. 9 times out of 10 I guarantee you the matter isn’t urgent and they can find a solution without you.

Not every opportunity is for you and not every networking event requires your attendance. Be sharply intuitive and have a checklist of questions you want to ask to ascertain whether these are for you.

Not everything on Social Media requires your attention of a like, comment, tag or share, so I dare you to switch of all Social Media notifications. You manage Social Media, don’t let Social Media manage you!


In closing, understand that with every year and 2019 not being any different, LIFE WILL HAPPEN whether it be to you or someone you know or someone you don’t know. My encouragement to you (as it has been for me in the past) is in the midst of it TRY and STAY FOCUSED.

STAY FOCUSED on what Judith?

STAY FOCUSED on the One who Defines you and has Created you and so Knows you and STAY FOCUSED on the Goal ahead of you, as this LIFE HAPPENING is for a Season, where at the end you’ll be stronger, wiser, empowered and possibly endowed with a fresh perspective of how to continue your journey towards achieving your God Given Goal!


Let Me Know How You Get On

In my blogs, I will do my best to continue to share the ‘how's’ and ‘why's’ that helped my journey and all I ask is that you let me know how each blog has helped you in the Comments Box below. Also feel free to SUBSCRIBE to my Mailing List to receive my Inspiring Guides and Updates.

All of God's Best For You and REMEMBER "You have Great Potential, a God Given Purpose and YOU WILL Passionately achieve it!!"


About Me:

My name is Judith AM Denton CEO | SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR | SPEAKER | SINGER | SONGWRITER | MENTOR who has discovered that my natural skills and abilities have led me to realise my Potential, understand my Purpose 'of helping to make a difference in the lives of those I can relate to' and Passionately achieve it.

Through my experience of being a troubled Foster Child, to working in the Corporate World to now being a founding CEO and Social Entrepreneur, I can help YOU discover and realise your full Potential, understand your Purpose and Passionately achieve it and live in the freedom of being YOU and at YOUR Best, in your Life, Career or Business!

So to receive FREE Inspiring Guides and Updates to help you on your journey join my community here.

To BOOK me to Speak or Sing at your Event or for any Song writing COMMISSIONING please contact me here.

To come on board my Discovering Your Purpose Mentoring Programme, please Register and Book your place here.

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