Find YOU Be YOU - Instagram Post


How many times have you heard these encouraging words ‘Be You!’


Whilst this might be possible for those who KNOW who they are and are HAPPY in their own skin, for some, the open and honest question is ‘Who Am I?’


Being You comes with knowing, understanding and accepting your personality, your character, your likes and dislikes. Your Unique Identity.


So many people morph into becoming the person they work with, are in a relationship with or are in a friendship with in order to be accepted, whilst others are influenced to become a carbon copy of the Social Media Personalities they follow on a daily basis, striving to have the same lives, believing they will be happy and celebrated in the same way.


This type of ‘morphing’ and social media ‘replicating’ does not bring out the real authentic YOU!


Choose rather to be inspired, empowered and motivated to Find and Be You, living in your Unique Pathway.


Now each stage of life, the good and the bad, is designed for YOU to find and become YOU. (Become means > Begin To Be), so it’s vitally important that you don’t miss the lesson and don’t skip that stage of life, as it prepares you for the next stage of life to follow.


So how can I Find and Be Me in 2019 and beyond?


Write down the positive attributes of your personality and character and ask those close to you for their thoughts of you in this area.


Note down your likes and dislikes and commit not to changing this based on whose company you are in.


Armed with this information, BE YOU DAILY, which will ignite YOUR PASSION, to develop YOUR POTENTIAL and discover and fulfil YOUR PURPOSE!


Also note that those who genuinely respect you will appreciate and value the REAL YOU!


About Me:

My name is Judith AM Denton CEO | SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR | SPEAKER | SINGER | SONGWRITER | MENTOR who has discovered that my natural skills and abilities have led me to realise my Potential, understand my Purpose 'of helping to make a difference in the lives of those I can relate to' and Passionately achieve it.

Through my experience of being a troubled Foster Child, to working in the Corporate World to now being a founding CEO and Social Entrepreneur, I can help YOU discover and realise your full Potential, understand your Purpose and Passionately achieve it and live in the freedom of being YOU and at YOUR Best, in your Life, Career or Business!

So to receive FREE Inspiring Guides and Updates to help you on your journey join my community here.

To BOOK me to Speak or Sing at your Event or for any Song writing COMMISSIONING please contact me here.

To come on board my Discovering Your Purpose Mentoring Programme, please enlist here.

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